Sunday 28 October 2012

Horse Racing Attire.

The Racing Issue - Part 2

'Carrie' Cream
Strapless Peplum
 Dress $178-
It's just over a week until the Melbourne Cup Day.  I hope you have your outfits ready.  If not, it's not too late....

I have been in touch with Fashion Stylist and Presenter Lise Carlaw from Re: MY Style, and found this webpage:  The dresses are fantastic and are well priced.  There are so many of them, it's hard to know where to start. 

French Connection
peplum dress $129-
Don't forget that Target and Kmart and Coles Mix have some great dresses too.  If you aren't going out on Melbourne Cup Day and you are watching the races at a girlfriends with the kids make sure you get 'frocked up'.  It's always more fun!

French Connection has a plain black Peplum Dress for $129, that is easy to wear and can be teamed with black shoes, black flower or fascinator and a coloured clutch.

Derby Day

Is this Saturday!  Everyone seems to be going. Everyone but me. We are Noosa bound as I am doing the run leg of the Noosa Tri with two of my girlfriends. Love of My Life is wondering how he gets to drive to Noosa on Derby Day - One of the biggest days of the Racing Calender. He is horse racing mad. 

Wedding Day, Derby Day 1997.

I can't understand how he is baffled? He should have realised when we got married on Derby Day!  His wedding speech was basically his Melbourne Cup tips and a comment about the Bridesmaids in Doriemus's colours! I'll share a photo with you. It's quite funny (and cringe worthy), how bad the whole thing is! Haven't times changed in 15 years! lol!

Sold for $650!
 Simply The Breast is over! My Gawdy Girl sold for $110.  I was quite happy with that until my besties's went for a whopping $650!  Her torso is very, very good and incomparable with mine!  AND this photo was taken before the finishing touches were applied!  It's been a good fun event with around $10,000 raised for Breast Cancer.
See previous Blog:  "Simply The Breast"

Oh and the BIG news.... I got an IPAD!
Yes Dress Me GC Headquarters now has a mobile office!  Love of my LIfe finally caved in after my whingeing! The power of the blog! lol!
Incase you missed my whingeing:

Find Dress Me GC on facebook :
and Twitter, but I can't work it out - yet! stay tuned!

Talk Tomorrow.


At 28 October 2012 at 21:28 , Blogger Unknown said...

Love the wedding photo - you look so happy! Please start Tweeting or whatever you call it..... I have avoided Facebook to date, but have just got the Twitter Bug!! If I can figure it out, you can too.

At 28 October 2012 at 23:02 , Blogger Dress Me said...

Haha! The old Wedding photos! I was cracking-up laughing when I got the Wedding Album out! Dress Me GC has signed up for twitter....I just need to work out how to use it. I'll get there. There are some followers, according to the emails from Twitter.

At 28 October 2012 at 23:42 , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm following! Next stop Instagram!!!

At 29 October 2012 at 01:34 , Blogger Dress Me said...

That's great! Thank-you! I'll slowly work it out!

At 29 October 2012 at 02:22 , Blogger Unknown said...

That's not your Wedding photo !!! Post the real one ... lol
Come to Derby Day with me Caz .. I'd love you to join me ... and I definitely want Pete's tips !!
And ... can youo post more pics of that $650 bust - it looks stunning ... was it covered with fabric or paper ? Do share ... I think you should branch DressMe into DecorateMe and give us all decorating tips too !! xx

At 29 October 2012 at 19:58 , Blogger Dress Me said...

I'm guessing you've never had his tips before - you wouldn't ask if you had! lol!
Why did I think running in Noosa was a good idea on Derby Day?
Decorate Me GC is in happening - as soon as the IT dept gets a move on!
More pics of the bust will be on fb and twitter.

At 29 October 2012 at 20:54 , Blogger Unknown said...

You are going to be SO busy - will you have time to shop?!?! MIght be a good thing!


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